Research Perspectives
Each article in this section is carefully selected to provide an interesting viewpoint on Reiki research.
General Articles
Our first contributor, Anita Vasan, has chosen to review Reiki research that is available on the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) database.
Reiki Research from a Medical Perspective Sept 2018, Anita Vasan B. Soc.Sci. (Hons), PGCE, Dip. SpLD, MBPsS, FRSM
General Articles (evidence-based and/or peer-reviewed)
Energy Therapies in Advanced Practice Oncology: An Evidence-informed practice approach, Pamela J. Potter, DNSc, RN, CNS
The Effect of Reiki on Blood Hypertension, Salles et al (2014) Acta Paulista de Enfermagem
We welcome contributions to this page. Publication will be at the discretion of Full Circle Fund Therapies Charity. Initially please submit to Feona Gray.